Wordless Wednesday

Coming home from Grandma's house.  Overplayed with sister Mimi.
I am tired. Can you tell?


Woof! Woof! Did you enjoy your ride home? Happy "RESTFUL" Wordless Wednesday! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
suzieQ said…
What a precious little dog...and so perfectly capturing, "I'm tired!" Love that facial expression.
yuki and rocket said…
so adorable, almost looks unreal ! love that facial expression. :)
Kari in Alaska said…
you are adorable

Absolutely adorable poochie bear! I can see why you fell in love! Too cute.
Mack said…
I can tell you are preshuz as can be!!!
Aren't you precious
Benny & Lily
houndstooth said…
Jeep, you are too cute for words! The good news is that you can take a nap whenever you want!

24 Paws of Love said…
Look at those big ears and eyes, that are getting very, very sleepy...

You are just so adorable Jeep. Nighty, night. :)
Asta said…
You awe a most pwecious baby..playing makes fow the best kind of tiwed..happy westing and sweet dweams and then you'll be weady fow mowe
smoochie kisses
Sweet Jeepy Jeep
to Grammys house you went,
you played and played
and now those little brown eyes,,
so tired they are!

Little jeepy, jeep
will be a new day,,
a new day ,,
to run and play
and soon
you will see Grammy again.

nitey nite

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