
Sometimes, it’s just hard to find the right position and go to sleep.


Hilarious, keep digging around. You will get exhausted from trying to find the best spot
Benny & Lily
Dolores said…
So much work to find the right cute! Don't ya wonder what thoughts are going on inelefervi itoriese the little head......
tee hee hee, I do that too!
It can be a very hard job!
But usually-- a comfortable place is found!
Dana@Mid2Mod said…
So cute! Ming never did that when he was younger, but now he's 10, and he's a crochety old man who fusses with his bed till I think he's going to pass out from exhaustion...LOL
Yeppers, it is so very important to have that bed just pawfect:)

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
houndstooth said…
Ha ha ha! I think Jeep and Blueberry might be related!
Jill said…
Oh that's so cute!! I found you through your interview over on Suzy's sitcom and had to come and take a look around!!

Jill @ Creating my way to Success

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