Happy Easter!

If you're going to celebrate, celebrate big.


3 doxies said…
Oh heck yea, you gots dat right.
I thinks maybe I ought to tries dis. I reckon it be different furs a man to be nekkid than a dog though.

Eartha Kitsch said…
Ha! Seriously! That guy totally took my celebration idea. Guess I'll have to wear clothes now.
Dana@Mid2Mod said…
I don't know which would be more disconcerting...the hopping or the flopping.
houndstooth said…
Bwaaaa ha ha! I hope nobody bites off more than the chocolate ears!
Asta said…
I agwee wif that. CELEBWATE!
Happy Eastew!!!! Thank yoo fow asking, I am totally well again
Smoochie kisses
tee hee hee
Happy Easter

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