We’re Doing it Wrong

old gold Long before turkey was famous for Thanksgiving, there was tobacco.

Peaceful, relaxing tobacco.

So, while you’re out getting your Turkey Day supplies, don’t forget a couple of cartons of cigarettes.  They’re a “treat you can trust.”

And our forefathers would have wanted it that way. Besides, maybe Crazy Uncle Fred will stay outside.

On a more personal note:

I’d like to direct your attention to the right hand side of the blog.  Our friends over at Tails and Tales have found out that one of their beloved greyhounds, Blueberry, has cancer. 

This little lump…

Blueberry Lump, Morgan Birthday Party 007

led to this.

Blueberry After Surgery 005

They are gearing up for further treatment and would appreciate any help possible. If you click on Blueberry’s picture, you can read the whole story.

I realize that times are hard, and the holidays are near, but a buck or two won’t hurt most of us. 

"The measure of a society can be how well its people treat its animals." ~Mohandas Gandhi



Its funny how many old ads and movies revolve around cigarettes. Oh no, we didn't know about Blueberry
Benny & Lily
Your heart is so kind to tell us about Blue Berry.
I hate cancer soooo much. Every nite I wish on stars that cancer will go away someday.
I am going to send some of my piggybank to you, and maybe you can send it to BlueBerry.
I am going to Blueberrys right now too, to give some love.
That owie on the head,, it looked so innocent,, and then it was a monster.
houndstooth said…
Thank you so much again for thinking about us and Miss Blue! That tobacco and Thanksgiving thing is going to have me giggling for a long while! Thanks for a good laugh!
Dandy Duke said…
Oh no - thank you for telling us about Blueberry. We hurt just looking at her picture.

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
3 doxies said…
Shouldn't beer goes with da cigatettes too? Yep, I is baaaack!
And thank you to those of you who left great advice...ya'lls wonderfuls!

I have been sad hearing bouts Blueberry. Our thoughts and good vibes are going to her and her family. I's goin' to clickie on da foto.

Mack said…
I wished I smoked.
Thanks for letting us know about Blueberry - I will go there right now.
We are all wooing very hard for sweet Blueberry. We have had way too much experience here with the cancer so we really want Blueberry to fight it.

We don't get here often enough - we do thank you for your many thoughtful comments on our blog.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Levi said…
Thanks for telling us about Blueberry!
And thanks for visiting me and telling me about your Puddles banner. I tried to copy it so I can put it on my blog like you said but it won't let me :(
Dolores said…
I hope sweet Blueberry beats the cancer....such a sweet face.

Thanks for a good chuckle on the cigarettes and Thanksgiving...
♥ Sallie said…
We love blueberry and now we love you.

Golden Samantha said…
Where do you find all these hilarious ads??? Thanks for sharing! And where can we send a coupla bucks (which is sorta what we have?) towards dear Blueberry's bills? Let us know...
Mayhap there be an email over there. A furry nice thing to do.
Hugs xoxoxo
Sammie and Avalon
Zona said…
What a great idea to help out such a great blogland friend!!

Oh no, poor dear Blueberry. I wish I could help out, but unfortuntely I'm still paying off vet bills of my own :(

I do hope she's ok.

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