Be So Hot You Have To Be Blown Out


That glorious summer tan look! Burn yourself at home without getting pesky sand in your suit!

Do you long for the admiring glances from people who look like corpses or zombies?  You’re rich!  You know nothing sets off your ermine stole like a lovely golden tan.  Who cares if you’ll end up wrinkly or covered with spots?  Men love leather, so why not make your skin look just like it!  Expose the baby to it! Put it in your bedrooms, your bathrooms…heck, put it in the kids playroom when it’s raining and tell them the sun came inside!!

Only $8.50 (that’s $67.50, adjusted for inflation)!! 

Be so hot your husband has to blow on you to cool off the room!!

Surgery tomorrow, terrified since I found out I’m getting a substitute surgeon as mine is ill.  But I’ll deal with it.

Come back for the giveaway coming very soon!!!  Check early, check often!!


Mimi said…
My grandmother used to have one of these "sun lamps". We kids used to burn ourselves on it all the time. Safety was not a big priority back then, I suppose.

Good luck with the surgery. I'm sure all will be OK!
Sweetie, you'll do fine in surgery, same as my Dad. As for those lamps, I think everyone I knew had one and the only thing they were good for was burning, not tanning. And hey, if you're gonna get burned, at least have fun at the beach while you're doing it. Lots of love and hugs are coming your way for a speedy recovery!!!!!!!!!
Lidian said…
Good luck tomorrow, I'm sure it will be fine!

xxx Lidian

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