The Hip Grip and Other Things



The “Great American Male” appears to be a wannabe Marlboro man.

I’d say that if you are shaving while wearing a cowboy hat, no underwear is going to make you manlier.

Hip Grip. The look, fit and feel “every American male” is looking for.  Really? I thought as long as it had elastic, it was considered underwear to most guys.

I do have to give it to the 70s though – when men actually still had hair on their bodies.  I’d take a man shaving in a cowboy hat and bikini’s over a man who shaves (or God forbid, waxes) his entire body.  I do not want to date a boy, I want to date a man.

All this guy needs is the porn ‘stache and he’d be completely rockin’.  I wonder if I can find his phone number somewhere…


Nope, uh uh, nada. Do NOT like all that fur. Yuckydoodles. However, the hat can stay and the undies leave little to the ole imagination. Oh and just noticed you have a "say-lon" so just let me put on my heels and pearls and I'll be right over, dahhhling.
Anonymous said…
I am just blog hopping and found yours! You are so funny! I think men should have a little hair - like you said man not boy but TOO much hair is a HUGE turn off for me.
Sexy 70's dude (the BVD ads were always rockin'). What takes the cake is your tag "Chika Chika Bow Bow". Wait, all of your tags are hilarious!
Barbara said…
Christine and Amanda: Okay, to clarify - I like hairy chests and legs. Backs, no.

Marsi: I'm so glad you "got" the chika chika bow bow!!
Pam said…
I think that guy has just the right amount of hair for my taste, and it's confined to his chest. I do think a little bit of hair on a man is sexy.
fromsophiesview said…
I 'gots' my guy with hair and 'stache....tickles!!!
Dolores said…
Shaving and waxing on a man's body is so disgusting!

If I could order, I'd order a moderate amount of hair......

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