Women As Prizes


These four women were offered as prizes in the Broomsticks Slacks Contest.


By entering, you could win the girl and a week in London or $1,500 (if you were married or something…). Five second prize winners got motorbikes (wonder if they were disappointed); third prize winners got AM/FM tape recorders (pretty disappointed), and forty people got record albums (devastated).

There was probably a little nerdy guy filling out entrance form after entrance form.  I wonder how much the girls got paid to accompany this winner.  Do you recognize the blonde?  She went on to star in Moonlighting.  It was 1969.  Can you imagine what must have gone on?  Was it like The Dating Game – chaperoned and all?

With contests like these, you have to wonder how Broomsticks went out of business. 


cathycan said…
The other 3 probably went on to be trophy wives...there's a prize for you!
Boy do you think that would be enough of a prize today??

I loved the show Moonlighting and didn't recognize Cybil Shepherd--You know she's popped up on a show this summer...
Pam said…
So unfair - where's the counterpart contest for women to win a guy???
I wonder if that would work now-a-days? I haven't had a date for years.
Lidian said…
Those girls look a little depressed. I would be too!
Chicken Boys said…
Just give me my album and let me be on my way!
Sara In AZ said…
OMG! That is just toooo weird!
Eartha Kitsch said…
Are you serious? Oh. My. Dear. Lord.
Anonymous said…

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