Because Mad Men Was So Good Last Night…

1953 Samsonite Ad

I will share a Samsonite ad…

Smart women fly with Samsonite because stupid women can’t figure out how to get the rich guys to pay for everything.

Happy Labor Day everyone!


3 doxies said…
Very well said indeed! I be thinking dat makes my mum dumb...yep, her has a time getting dad to let goes of his money. I thinks her needs some Samsonite.

Dolores said…
Hi Barbara.... Here's hoping you had a restful weekend, and maybe some fun thrown in just for laughs.

The only Samsonite I owned was a little green (yuck) overnight bag that was given to me when I graduated from high school...., but I don't think my little bag flew anywhere.
Damn, and I have to wait for Mad Men on DVD lol...

Hiya, hope your day was a good one. =)
my mommie has a samosite bag too that she got for high school graduation. now she keeps my dog treats in it,
Duke said…
Our mom doesn't have any Samsonite. She must be one of the dumdums!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

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