Don’t Do As I Do

kitchen 016

This is my hand. 

The picture does not do justice to the swelling and bruising that are actually there.  See that “cut” on the right?  It’s actually a nice, deep puncture wound that is only possible when you jamb a screwdriver deep into your hand.  I recommend you do not do this.  Being the incredibly brave and tough girl that I am, avoiding the $100 ER charge and stitches, I hightailed it to mom’s and we super-glued the crap out of it.  ALL BETTER!

Why did I do that, do you ask?  Well, I’m “remodeling” my kitchen.  I had new countertops put in.  Here’s before:

kitchen 006

Cute and adorable you say?  Maybe, if you like three colors of tile, grout that could not be cleaned, a sink that had no finish (or garbage disposal) not enough outlets and just basic grunge.  I am in the process of repainting/repairing the cabinets (stripping, hinges, closers, etc.) and the walls have to be repainted.  I’m not done, but here’s a peek.

kitchen 007


Looks better already.

I wish I could afford to do the floor, but that will come later.  Oh, and a current stove. Mine is a yellow Montgomery Ward “Cook and Hold”.  God knows how it “held”.  I added the Ikea Expedit shelving to your left there.

So. Lesson learned.  Hinges that are covered in years of paint do not respond well to screwdrivers.  Screwdrivers hurt when they go several inches into your hand.  Beware of screwdrivers.

When I’m finished with all I can afford right now, I will share the results…


3 doxies said…
You skeeres me stay far away from me withs dat screwdriver.
But, you s gonn haves a purty kitchen when you gets done.

I thought you were kidding when I saw your comment on Chris' blog. You are a brave woman...super glue? Wow. I understand not wanting to go to the ER. I'll call you next time I puncture myself.

Can't wait to see the finished kitchen. I really understand about the un-cleanable grout. I just spent an hour scouring the grout lines in our green tiled 1950's bathroom. I'm skipping the tile in the new place. Corian, wood, laminate...anything to avoid grout.
Barbara said…
Old grout is old grout. Sure, I could have paid thru the nose to have it removed and replaced but why? First, the maroon edging stood a 1/4" up, surrounding the "lagoon". Secondly, the backsplash was light green and the tile yellow (with no finish left.) It just wasn't workable. Right now the kitchen looks like a cottage kitchen - like it's supposed to - I live in a cottage!!
you sure are brave..Lookin good
Benny & Lily
Own that screw driver lady,,, own it! We think you rock!
I actually sewed up my knee once with thread and needle. Was I crazy?
I hope you heal good,,,, I am sure just as good as going to ER.
And your "cottage " is looking adorable.
We love the presszys that you sent to us,,,
THANK YOU so much Barbara.
Tweedles is in LOVE with her goodies,, and I am IN LOVE with ours
Dolores said…
Your kitchen looks great....I love the new counter top, but sorry about your injury. It makes me hurt just thinking about being jammed with a screwdriver.....uggghhhhh
Take care and stay away from the tools.
fromsophiesview said…
$100 charge at ER...yow...hate to say this but we don't pay nada here in Canada. Yes, taxes do take care of it but....!
Screwdrivers are dangerous tools hear!
Mack said…
My mom leaves it to me to scratch up her hands!
Your new kitchen is beautimous!
OUCH!!! Damn, that hurts!!

When they took the feeding tube out of my cats neck (Yikes!!) they also used super glue! I'd never heard of using it before. But it sure works!

Oh my, it gives me such inspiration to see you working on your kitchen! I have that and so much more ahead of me. Sigh.
Dandy Duke said…
Your new kitchen is coming along beautifully but be a bit more careful!
Jim said…
Did you consider a Tetanus shot?
As Sophie said we may pay more in taxes, but we do have a good health care system in matter what you may have heard. This is election day down there....
Ok, OK I'll stop. Your kitchen looks great already! Amazing how just a few changes can make a huge difference. Nice job.
Barbara said…
Tetanus shot last year, thank god!
my mama # 2 used to be a nurse,, and she said to watch your wound very careful, cause that stuff maybe poison,,,,,
please be careful, please watch it, don't get sick
Anonymous said…
Its look good Barbara. I cant wait to see the finished product!
Anonymous said…
My stomach turns with the thought of how that must have hurt!!! Lather on the neosporin and baby that thing for a while. (Does it hurt to type? LOL) I need to blog about how I fell out of bed this morning, yes at 58 years old, I fell out of bed. Anyway, I didn't get pictures as I was crumpled up in pain because I hit the nightstand with my head as I went down. My ear still hurts. Hope you heal real good, girl and the kitchen is looking very nice!!!

I love your kitchen, absolutely love it! I would rather have this than any of the dime a dozen massive "tuscan" delights out there. They have no character whatsoever.

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