Be Back Soon



just call me jo said…
I'm sad. Feel better soon.
Dolores said…
What??????? Hoping it's a cold or something simple.
Thinking of you with thoughts and prayers!
houndstooth said…
I'm sorry! I hope you're feeling better soon! I feel like I've been battling this bout of bronchitis forever, so I feel your pain. Take care of yourself!
Cyndi and Stumpy said…
Darn! I hope you feel better soon!
Two French Bulldogs said…
Our paws are crossed you feel better
Benny & Lily
The Daily Pip said…
Oh no! Feel better soon.

Your pal Pip
jen said…
Hope you feel better soon:)
donnam said…
I'm so sorry to hear. Rest up and eat plenty of chicken noodle soup!!
Duke said…
We hope you feel better soon.

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Anonymous said…
Oh no! Get better soon! No fun bein sicky :(

Waggin at ya,
3 doxies said…
Well, dis just sucks!
I hopes you feels better real soon cuz I will miss you.

Mack said…
Oh no!!!
Please get well quick!
Corbin said…
Levi said…
Hope you feel better soon!! Hope it's not a case of da lemons
Levi n momma
Tweedles -- that's me said…
My sweet Barbara
Are you okay? I want you to feels better. What can I do? Can I send bubbles or rainbows? Can I blow kisses to you?
Please get well.. I just knew you must be sick.
life in red shoes said…
Feelin like shit on a shingle?
Jim said…
Get well now,ya hear!
Eartha Kitsch said…
Uggh! Feel better soon...
Oskar said…
I hope that you are better soon!

Nubbin wiggles,

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