It's an Ad For Pretzels, Really.

Let's see...Pretzels...Bikini.  Oh yes, they go well together! 

Made of "velvety, non-woven material" (what the heck?  Non-woven?), you can wear it many times before you chuck it at the end of summer.  You can match the whole family...well, except Dad, unless he's not telling you something.

A whole summer's sun-fashion wardrobe awaits you at a mini price. Only $2.50 each ($16.82 in today's semolians) - buy one for your neighbors too! 

Grab a bag of Jax Cheese Twists, Bachman Corn Chips or Bachman Crown Nuts and get the coupon right off the package.  No summer isn't summer without pretzels, nuts and bikini's.  Get one today!

PSS:  Long weekend - had a large party and was sincerely pooped!  Sorry to be late on posting!!


Wow, I'll get one of those right after I get an Andy Warhol Tomato soup can dress lol....
Sudha said… about off the cuff advertising
fromsophiesview said…
How large is large?...Hope you stayed clear of the pretzel inducing bikini collection!
Holy Moly! That is 1 butt ugly suit!
And pretzels??????
Dolores said…
Forget about the pretzels.... I want to hear about the large party!!!
houndstooth said…
Oh yeah, nothing says, "I'm hot" like pretzels printed all over your butt, although I'm pretty sure lots of people would be looking at it with that get up on! Definitely a pass here! :p
It is not even time to think about bikinis yet. Lets get the details of the party that kept you up all night and made your head hurt so bad that you thought posting about pretzel bikinis was a good idea.

Must have been a wild bash. I hope you recycled the empty's.

Mogley G. Retriever
I just have to ask, about the party, it sounds like it might have been a wild night. Pretzel Bikinis? Was Charlie Sheen there?

Just asking.

Mogley G. Retriever
My tongue is tied in knots trying to come up with words to express my feelings about those non woven suits.
hi party girl.....
"girls just wanna have fun""
tee hee hee

do those things come in pug size?
too funny. We'll take the pretzels
Benny & Lily
Sassy, classy AND velvety. What's not to like?
Road Dog Tales said…
haha at first we thought the bikinis were made out of pretzels a la Lady Gaga's meat dress. Then we read the part about "non-woven velvety material." Well, there you go! Wondering if do-it-yourselfers flocked to the fabric store asking for something in a nice "pretzel print"? Hey, we're bettin' Puddles will be showing up in one of these at the next pool party!
Mmm, pretzels, we're getting hungry. Pass the cheetos, please . . .

The Road Dogs

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