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What's Wrong With This Blog?

Lately there haven't been many comments, so I was wondering if you all had suggestions for me...

PS: I just like feedback on my posts...I'm not trolling for comments. It's hard when you think something is funny and you get very few comments.


3 doxies said…
I don't think it's you or your blog.
I haven't been getting as many lately eithers and I thinks it's cuz some people has taken a break.
Soooooo, stay as you are! I likes da way you is.

just call me jo said…
You still get more comments than I do. Blog on as you were. We love you.
Wings1295 said…
I have had blogger burnout lately, so I apologize for slacking.

Love your font on the blog, btw. How cool!
I think lots of people are on breaks. I haven't been able to comment as much lately and have been missing lots of posts from my favorite bloggies.

Your pal, Pip
I've noticed comments are down too -- I think people are busy right now, especially with spring coming on.
klahanie said…
Well, you could do like I do. I try to respond back to every comment I receive and thus double the comments. Thus, if you comment back to each of the comments up till now, you would have 12 comments! :) There you go ...
houndstooth said…
I am finding it harder and harder to get to all the blogs lately, but my reply numbers are down, too. I think the fact that we've had a brutal winter and are now able to get out and do things outdoors (not to mention that blasted time change stealing an hour and making us all cranky) just gives people less time to reply. I don't think it's anything wrong with you, although I don't think you should be afraid to mix things up a bit if you feel like it. I also know that I run in cycles where sometimes I feel like my posts just aren't that funny or touching, but then inspiration hits and puts me back on track.
suzieQ said…
I have a different idea...
I really like your blog, I am a new follower. I've thought about responding, but, sometimes I feel as though I'm not "funny" enough to even make a comment. Perhaps, that is part of the reason, too.
I know that when I do respond to other blogs, sometimes, I expect a response and don't hear a thing. So, it can be a tricky business.
The temptation to check the box on the last one was nearly too overwhelming for me to pass up, but I managed to control myself and checked "don't change anything". Alot of people (well, mainly my family members who I can harass at will) do read our blogs but don't feel the need to comment, and I know that as I've gotten more and more followers it's been difficult visiting all of them. Plus it takes awhile to figure out who actually HAS a blog. Anyhoo--you are one of my very very favorite bloggy friends and definitely, DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING! Love, Chris
It depends on what you want from your blog:

Do you enjoy blogging for your own enjoyment, or do you blog to get comments?
Mack said…
We think you are GREAT! Don't change nothin!

St. Paddy's Sugars,
You make me laugh and that's priceless. I value a sense of humour above all in a person. Don't change a thing!
Sometimes I feel inadequate to comment on your blog because - though I feel I can be funny and witty at times - I'm not an animal in the third person. And I'm not sure that you're looking for any human input after half a dozen "incredibly witty dogs" have barked out their comments!

You do have one of the most witty and entertaining blogs on my list! Keep up the good work! BTW - I agree with some of the comments above about Spring arriving and more people spending less time at their computers.
Levi said…
We haven't been blogging as regular and for the past 2 weeks not really at all cuz mom was sicks. We love your blog :) Don't change a thing!
George The Lad said…
I'm on a blogging break this week. I have found the more followers you have and in turn you follow makes its harder to comment on every blog post there's just not the time, so I comment on the folks that have left a comment on my blog, if you do this you get to know them better and they will will be back to see what you are up to. them view the others blogs though google reader, if a blog post takes my eye I will comment on it, just like yours ;)
Barbara said…
I guess I'm different than most bloggers. I have my blogs in my dashboard and the first thing I do in the morning is visit them, and then usually once at night for late posters.

I feel tremendously guilty when I skip a day posting, but I guess I shouldn't feel bad about that either.

Thanks for all of the advice, suggestions, etc.
ooooh! What's a dashboard? Sounds like a nice little organizing type thingy that would help me to make sure I blog...
SEE! We all said- Don't change anything :)

It's not you, there are just soooo many!
Dolores said…
Hey.... I just love you for who you are.... whether you're funny or not...

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