A girl's heart reaches out to a man's heart.
The girl discovers a new, glowing world (of children and dishes and laundry and bills and grocery shopping and cleaning and gardening and painting and buying school clothes...) and together, man and girl will make it their home (with a mortgage and roof problems and the kids need braces and Spot just peed on the carpet...).
All they bring to it (baggage, regrets, joy, sorrow, neediness, wanting), share in it ("it's your turn to do the dishes!" "Don't you EVER pick up your underwear?" "Sally, there are hairs in my sink!"), make of it ("Oh yeah? Well, I'm going home to mother!" "This meatloaf sucks!" "Bobby, put down that cat!") will be told in the engagement diamond that treasures their first dreams.
That's right, your whole marriage will be determined by the size of that diamond, because if your diamond is small, you just didn't dream big enough!
Make sure you study the diamond size chart on the right buddy, because if you blow this, it will set the tone for your entire marriage. That's right....your entire marriage.
See the picture? She's alone. Because the diamond was too small. And a diamond is FOREVER.
love this, nice bend to the whole wedding package baloney.