Wordless Wednesday


yuki and rocket said…
lol! i didn't see jeep in the first picture, i though trixie's leg was raised like that because she was being shy and just doing that shy pose dogs do. wasn't until i saw who was under the hind leg in the second picture that i saw little jeep. what a funny and cute suprise of a picture. :)
Ha Ha - great pic - talk about wanting to be close:)

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
houndstooth said…
Trixie, sometimes it can be really hard to keep those little brothers in line, can't it? Hee hee hee!
That is one cute pillow
Benny & Lily
He keeps his bodyguard close! No one is going to hurt him.

Mogley G. Retriever
Every time I go down my list of favorites and read, If I didn't Have A Sense Of Humor, I say to myself, I WOULD BE DEAD!
Thank you for your rays of sunshine :)
BOL!! Dawg, there's something under your hiney!!! BOL!!

Boondocks and The Love Shack Pack
Jan said…
They seem to have taken a course in method acting.
rottrover said…
'Scuse me, Trixie? May I sit on your tail??
Dolores said…
Awwww, that's the sweetest and cutest picture!!!!!
Wyatt said…
Watch out, Jeep!! There is a big dog sitting on you!

Kari in Alaska said…
looks like a comfy spot for a nap

24 Paws of Love said…
Just making sure we know who owns this seat!
Mack said…
Jeep you are quite the cuddler I see!

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