We're in the Finals!!

Minnie got selected as one of 50 finalists in "The Tongue Contest" at Fido Friendly magazine!  
Check her out!!

You can't vote, they do.  I was just happy to see her in print!!  Click on the pictures and it will open a slide show.  Minnie is # 10!!


Dana@Mid2Mod said…
What fun! Good luck to Miss Minnie.
Eartha Kitsch said…
Yay! Congratulations to Minnie! I can't figure it out though. Is there somewhere that we vote for her or it going to be in print?
Wow, how fun it that!!! Good luck, Minnie - hope you win.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Dolores said…
I don't want to be prejudice, but ..... Minnie is my favorite!
Two French Bulldogs said…
yippity do da!!
Benny & Lily
Tweedles -- that's me said…
Yeaaa Mini
you go girl.. we hope you win
houndstooth said…
Oh, Congratulations! Good luck Minnie! We'd vote for you if we could!

yuki and rocket said…
Congrats! That's so awesome :)
Mack said…
Oh my Dog I know a super model!
This is so exciting!
Congrats Minnie!

Anonymous said…
Wahoo for Minnie! Win! Win! Win! Mom luvs Betty White :)

Waggin at ya,

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