Change Minds


Thanks to you and so many others for helping the rescue cause. Lets keep reminding people that dogs are people too!

Mogley G. Retriever
Eartha Kitsch said…
Amen to that. Tennessee is one of the worst states for not only pit bull abuse but misunderstanding about them. When I go through the shelter intakes, I'd say that at least half of them are pit bulls or pit bull mixes.
Pearl said…
Our newest tenants have a pitbull. She's a complete sweetheard (although the little devil has already leapt through a screen to get to a rabbit!)


Dolores said…
I shouldn't say this, but ... here goes..... shoot the owners of pit bulls..... they're the problem, not the dog.
Prudence said…
Love the picture. So many people need to learn the truth about the pitties!
houndstooth said…
That's a great ad, and I love that sweet pup's face!
Your saying what is true!
thank you!
Miah Rae said…
Thank you for this. I love it and I love Pit Bulls - especially mine! :)
The Thuglets said…
Brilliant's not the dogs!

Big Nose Pokes
The Thuglets

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