Bad News


Minnie has blown out both knees.

She’ll need surgery on both.

I’m going to have to raise some cash, so I’ve got to figure out some stuff to sell.

Fortunately, one can be done six months from now, but one needs to be done soon.  She’s on Tramadol and Rimadyl right now.  I feel awful for her.  She was soooooo good at the vet; she’s just the sweetest thing ever. 

I was so proud of her.

So please, if you could send some paw power this way, it sure would be appreciated.


We had not visited you for a few weeks, we needed our dose of humor. Now we find that you are in a hurt. Our paws are crossed for you. It probably is too late to tell you to take care, but you may be assured that our hearts and tails are crossed for you. Please remember that you have many friends to help yu through this.

Mogley G. Retriever
How Sam Sees It said…
We are sending lots of pawsitive thoughts and vibes your way! Poor Minnie! We hope she has a speedy recovery!

Oh my gosh. Little Minnie must be hurting so bad!
I will cross my paws that the money will come to you- some how.
love tweedles
Oh dear, this sounds bad. We are so sorry. Hope the pain meds will help for now. Snooter smoochies and gentle hugs to Minnie from us.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Kari in Alaska said…
OH no, sending out love

Stop on by for a visit
Duke said…
I am sending you tons of AireZen and my paws are crossed for you, Minnie!

Love ya lots,
Poor Minnie...
and Crossed Paws fur you girrrrl.
Poor sweetie!! You hate to see them in pain because you can't explain to them what's going on. Is it just natural wear and tear of the joints?

Sending you pawsitive light!
Wyatt said…
Sending some healing vibes to Minnie.

Wyatt and Stanzie
HoundDogMom said…
We are sorry to hear this about Minnie. We send our drool and power of the paw. We had a bloodhound that blew her knee out so we know how painful that can be for them. Sniffs, The HoundDogs
Mick said…
Hang in there Jamie! Good things will come your way!
Dolores said…
What happened to poor Minnie, that both knees are bad? I'm so sorry for both of hurts so much to see our beloved pets suffer.
My thoughts, prayers and paw power is with you all!
3 doxies said…
What da heck! Dang, both knees! Oh lady, you knows I is sending ya'll my most powerful vibes evers.
Please keep us posted.

Tucker said…
Oh I is so sorry! I understands the torn cruciate too well. Fortunately I only hurted one knee and I should be ok wifout surgery since it was a partial tear. My paws are crossed for you.

woof - Tucker
Ziggy Stardust said…
I am so sorry. I have been where you are financially and I know your pain. Really I do, it is almost unbearable and when it rains it does pour. I will pray for you and hope you can find your strength and that things will work out. Our other dog who has crossed the Rainbow Bridge had bad knees and it was hard for us.

God bless you

Anne and Sasha

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