Could You Design An Uglier Uniform?
Welcome to Delta Airlines, where we dress our stews in the most unappealing clothes ever.
Miss your drudge of a wife? Just take a look at our girl, with her unfashionable attire, her bland shoes and hair that looks like it came from a box.
Yes, she’s no floor show, she’s just your own servant while you fly the friendly skies. Her name is Carol, but it could be Virginia or Linda. Who cares, really? You’ll always feel like a leading man, no matter which of our working girls services you.
Because we’re Delta, and Delta is ready when you are.
Sorry about the lack of posts everyone. I am fighting just to keep my sanity at this point. I am not beating the depression this time, it’s beating me.
we love you!
Laaaaaady, you must not lets dis win overs you! You is waaaaaay stronger than dat depression, I knows it!
Depression is hard and I knows cuz my mum has dealt withs it since her was 16 years old...actually younger than dat but her was diagnosed at 16 rather.
We is thinkin bouts you immensely!
You have every reason to be in emotional turmoil right now. Have been there and want to tell you that taking care of yourself is the best way to respond. Many people are behind you.
With hugs xoxoxoxo
Sammie and Avalon
Hugs & love,
Pam & Oskar