You Can Leave Your Hat On…


This is what men looked like in the 70’s.

I wonder today, where did hair go?  Did it evolve out of men?  Is it because of the hormones in our food?

This is a specimen of a man, from his hat to his…uh…support.

Oh wait…there are words in this ad?

I’ll be in my bunk.


Eartha Kitsch said…
Oh my...well, hello cowboy.
Berts Blog said…
We have always been fans of The Cowboy. My Vickie likes to go take pictures of them on their horses out movin cattle. They look good like this and with their clothes on oh and they look really cool by a fire in the moonlight.
3 doxies said…
What coul be better than a cowboy in skivvies?

I don't remember men looking like that in the 70s. Hmmm.
Dana@Mid2Mod said…
I swore off cowboys in 1967...but this could make me rethink my decision. LOL
Is he a real cowboy? Where is the horse?
You wonder where the hair went? They were posing for photos by the roaring camp fire when someone threw an extra big log on the fire.

Mogley G. Retriever
Unknown said…
Well well well.... that is a flashback, and a good one!

And uh those are some pretty high-waisted red undies... !
fromsophiesview said…

get along little doggy...dem cowpokes sure knew how to ride em high!
Huh--that's a good question. I think its kind of a good thing my dude is not hairy--I'd hate to have to use the Furminator on him.
Magpie Magic said…
Ha Ha, I love it! I didn't notice the words either!

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