Prayers For Corbin

corbin1 Please go to Corbin’s page and give him your kind thoughts and prayers.  No one knows what’s wrong with him, but he’s in pain and losing weight and muscle.  He needs our love right now!!


Dolores said…
Thoughts and prayers for Corbin.....
It's bad enough that he has been so sick and in pain for so long, but the worst part is not having any idea what is wrong. Corbin has really stumped the vets. We have our paws crossed for him to heal and be better very soon.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
I am crossing my paws and saying some prayers for Corbin- right now!
kitchen faucets said…
Prayers For Corbin
Very best articles, I happy to read it, Beautiful nice and useful!
Thank you very much

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