The Wonders of Ragu


Ragu excites appetites.

Although I don’t see how.

Add horseradish, onion and lemon juice – voila! Cocktail sauce. (That’s right neighbors, wave and move along quickly.)

Add green pepper, celery and onions. Cook your burgers in it.  INSTANT BARBEQUE. (Notice Junior tossing his burger away while mom digs into the salad.)

Or add nothing but noodles and American cheese and you have Yankee Doodle Macaroni!  (RUN!)

Ragu – the sauce men ask their wives to buy. Because they don’t know what “Old World Flavor” means.  We do.

Personally, I would buy three jars of Ragu just to get that tablecloth.  Why don’t they do THAT any more? 


KimT said…
Barbara's Quick-Dinners-with-Ragu recipe book, now on sale...
I'm with you, where's the tablecloth?!
Haha, Old World Flavor!!

Who knew Ragu could be so versatile?

Have a good one Barbara!
Dana@Mid2Mod said…
Ragu sounds almost as versatile as SPAM. :)
Why does talking about this food make me so hungrys?

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