Don''t give up on me yet!

I'm still here. More to follow.  
Trixie is having ear surgery. Will be posting an auction on Facebook.  Please join up and friend me.


Eartha Kitsch said…
Hey beautiful lady! Miss seeing you around!
jamie@midcenturymania said…
Nice to see you! I haven't been too active with the posting either. Hope the surgery goes well.
houndstooth said…
I didn't know she was having ear surgery! I hope she'll be alright!
fromsophiesview said…
No chance you can dissolve into the ether, gurlly friend! You are looking very MMM in your photo...MyMyMomma...have a grand day sweets!

Tweedles -- that's me said…
ohh we love seeing your pretty face!
Dolores said…
I'm not doing much blogging these days, but I'll never leave you. I love the picture of beautiful you!!!!!

My computer keeps crashing. I've ordered a new one. It's suppose to be delivered Christmas present to myself.

Hope the ear surgery goes well....
Hugs and love,
Dolores said…
I can't find you on Facebook. Too many with the same name....send me a link or friend me

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