Lee Jeans Make You Gay…I Mean Happy…
Welcome to the land of No Knees.
Put on a pair of Lee jeans and you’re a dancing, prancing, stiff jointed wacky person.
Take our dancers for instance. What are they doing, the German Goose Step? And really, with the bandana and the jacket buttoned just so, our fella isn’t the most masculine dude in the room (especially with that oddly turned foot). It appears that the only people in this town with knees are tiny. Miniscule even.
Now look at our construction workers. Both are wearing the “steel-plated” overalls. Ramrod straight postures leave only your arms for self expression, and again, kinda wimpy, even if you use the authoritative Finger Point.
But the best is the Lee Jean Chorus Line. From cowboy to milkman, farmer to little boy, there’s a jean for any joint-less person around. Now, just lock arms and…
“One….singular sensation…every little step he takes….”