Another woman approaches you and says “if you don’t give him this aftershave, I will”…what the hell is that?
Personally, I’d say “go ahead”. Will my man feel more “dangerous” to this woman because she bought him after shave? Who knows. What he would know, however, is that if he came home smelling like James Bond out of nowhere, he’d have some ‘splaining to do.
But seriously, what kind of empty threat was this supposed to be to women? Maybe she has better cooking skills than me (however, I doubt that woman could make ice). Maybe she’s offering sex on demand when I don’t (hope she’s had her shots). But my worrying because I’m not buying him after shave and some other woman might? Come on. How stupid did advertisers really think women were back then?
The final tag line is "007, for the license to kill...women". Yikes!
PS: Love your blog & just became a follower! Stop by and see me sometime for more retro fun