Pat Boone is Turning Chinese!
Now here’s an ad you can trust!
Who else but Pat Boone (and his lovely wife Shirley) could convince you that you could turn hamburger into a Chinese dish?
Never hear “that again”, says Shirley, convinced that adding pasta, tomatoes and bell peppers to hamburger makes it “Beef Oriental”. Plus, the family will eat all of their vegetables if they are prepared in the magic wok, right there at the table!
Let’s take some chicken, add in some frozen corn, beets and rutabagas and we’ll call it “Chinatown Special”!!
Pat Boone…if it’s from his lips, it has to be true!! “April love…”
A Side Note: Do NOT, under any circumstances, visit Christine’s Blog “I’m Not Old, I’m Vintage”, become a follower and enter her giveaway of two kitty planters (see below). Just DON’T. She will suck you in and you will never be able to stop reading her blog. DON’T DO IT.
Aren’t they cute???
Another Side Note: If you become one of my new followers, you’ll automatically be entered in my next giveaway, coming very soon. Just leave me a comment saying you just joined.
Love your blog!!
2. My mother used to make "Beef Oriental" in her own orange West Bend wok back in the 70s. And when she would make her menu plan for the week on the back of some envelope, she would invariably write "Thursday...Chinx." I swear to God, I would and could not make that up.
3. Christine's blog is the devil's handiwork. Let's just call it what it truly is. ;-)