Jug Wine, My Personal Favorite
I’m assuming an ingredient in this Sangria is Two Spanish Men and one vapid blonde.
Let’s see, put sugar, juice and fruit in a bowl and dump in a HALF GALLON of white wine. Just kills the after burn of that jug wine really quick. Serves six to eight. Or two really tall glasses.
You can send away for jug wine recipes so you can kill the taste of Almaden’s Chianti, Rose, Burgundy, Chablis or Rhine.
One blonde, two Spaniards, one half-gallon of booze.
This will not end well.
and my word verification code was "multio".... hmmmm...
Well, just pass me da whole bowl of sangria nows!
Puddles...da girl
Thank you so much fow the Biwfday wishes..it's so vewy nice to meet you
smoochie kisses