You Know You Want One


Has your life suffered due to the lack of dimples?

Did you have fantasies of becoming the next Shirley Temple, but lack of dimples held you back?

Wait no more!  You too can have spectacular dimples by sending for our latest invention!

Strap this thing on your face and let the two little knobs bore into your cheeks.  Six to ten years from now, you will have dimples (or little scars, but please don’t read the fine print)!

Designed to wear while doing housework, this dimple maker is sleek, lightweight and guaranteed to get you a man!  Call today!

Not available in Vermont.  Use on other body parts is discouraged, but you’ll probably do it anyway.  Void where prohibited.  If you develop a rash, see your doctor.


Pearl said…
I've never trusted dimpled cheeks.

Which reminds me -- I have to get to the gym...

Nancy's Notes said…
I thought I had heard everything...I was wrong! This cracks me up!
Golden Samantha said…
Looks like that machine-thingy could get stu-uck - ohhh noo. Very scary indeed - wouldn't want to have dimples at that cost! (love how you find all these cool ads!)
Sammie, Avalon, Oz and Mom
Sudha said…
is this a serious ad! really..hahah
houndstooth said…
Well, darn it! I'll never wind up with dimples in...other places!
Oh my gosh,,
i never heard of this either!
Dana@Mid2Mod said…
Obviously, whoever invented this contraption was not yet my age. I have dimples in places I didn't even know you could get dimples.
Duke said…
Haha - our mom was one who always wanted dimples and yes, she was a huge Shirley Temple fan!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I think I've seen this in a science fiction movie--This just isn't right!! But it's good for a laugh from someone like me who does NOT have dimples! :-))
Lidian said…
That looks very uncomfortable - you can tell from her expression that she will not be using those dimples for smiling!
Breezy said…
I don't think I want dimples quite that bad..:)
Dolores said…
This is HILARIOUS!! It reminds me of myself though,....when I was in 3rd grade I wanted a dimple in my chin.... so I would sit in class with my knuckle in my chin....My best friend had dimples....not me.

happileah said…
a tiny little (gullible) part of me wonders if this works...Did you try it out, Barbara? Is there a product review in the future?
The look on the dimple model's face totally sells it!

Love your support of dogs on your blog - I am currently using my 3 shelter pups as models for vintage scarves on my blog today.
The Thuglets said…
OMD! that would be so scary if our mom started walking about with her face like that!

She asked who Shirley Temple was? She is such a fibber!!! LOL

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
fromsophiesview said… least they can't blame it on a man this time! The ad says so Woman Invents Dimple Machine
Anonymous said…
Dimple Maker.. I love dimples but not enough to wear some contraption.
Jim said…
That woman inventor must have been a 'ticket' or two!!!!

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