I had my hair once done by this man in his Beverly Hills salon. My old boyfriend was a client of his. I just found it weird that he was considered "world famous". He was just Gene to us!
And he never washed MY hair dressed that well or looking that interested! |
Elyse and Riley
I do believe I have been to a hair salon 3 times in my life.
Once to have highlights, another to correct the awful bleach job I did, and one was to try a spiral perm.
None were worth the money I spent lol.
Oh, four, if you count that one visit to Fantastic Sam's (it was only $6). =)
Benny & Lily
Being bald, I have a hard time paying $6.00 at Great Clips for the removal of what little is left.
Mogley G. Retriever
I don't think I want a creepy guy in a suit to wash my hair...Ha
Wyatt's Mom
Waggin at ya,
Yes, that is ironic...