First, let me say how much I love your site and how glad I am that I found your blog-you're an amazing writer.
Now about Lennox: check directly under our Wordless Wednesday post (yesterday's post) for the scoop and video on Lennox- a mixed breed in Ireland who was taken from his owners under a breed-specific law and has been sentenced to die-apparently this sentence is being appealed. The post has a link to the blog that has taken up his cause.
Now about Lennox: check directly under our Wordless Wednesday post (yesterday's post) for the scoop and video on Lennox- a mixed breed in Ireland who was taken from his owners under a breed-specific law and has been sentenced to die-apparently this sentence is being appealed. The post has a link to the blog that has taken up his cause.
Thanks for asking:-)
I'll haves to give her Hugh's number, I has it on speed dial in case any of my furiends need it.
I suspect there are dogs all over the internet pinning that photo up as their wallpaper now!
Mogley G. Retriever
Benny & Lily
Elyse and Riley
See Yea George xxx